December 23, 2018

1 comment

The allure of Southeast Asian Blackwater Habitats: A New Obsession Rising!

As purveyors of all things tinted in the aquarium game, we work with a lot of hobbyists with an increasingly diverse group of aquatic interests. When it comes to fishes, we see more and more hobbyists obsessively collecting, keeping, and breeding wild Betta species. In fact, we see more and more interest in keeping and breeding fishes from Southeast Asia in general, and in creating aquariums inspired by the diversity and ecological vibrancy of the region.

Sure, I spend a lot of time talking about how to replicate South American habitats- and course, South America is not the only locale in the tropical world with rich blackwater environments with amazing fishes and biotopes to replicate. Southeast Asia is home to a huge and diverse set of habitats which any natural aquarium enthusiast would be drooling to replicate! !

Peat swamps. for example, are a fascinating ecological niche that is unique to Southeast Asia. In the well-studied North Salangor Peat Swamp Forest area, it's been estimated that there are about 48 species there, 8 of which have been described to science only within the last couple of decades, and 6 of which are known only from this area. And that's not entirely unique...that's just one example of many!  

Many of the fishes from these unique environments are classified by science as stenotopic- able to adapt only to a narrow range of environmental conditions. It's been estimated that stenotopic species represent about 18% of the total fish fauna in Malaysia- so to lose these environments would be to lose a significant number of unique fishes!

(Betta livida, another rarity form the Peat Swamps of Malaysia)

One wonders how many of these environments may be lost before some of these fishes are even discovered! Fortunately, there are some governmental agencies in these regions that are making some effort to preserve these unique biotopes before they are lost forever.

To replicate one of these environments in our home aquarium is not only fascinating, it could one day represent the only "sanctuary" for many species endemic to these unique swamps.

Some well known hobby anabantoid species, such as the "Licorice Gourami", Parosphromenus anjunganensis and Parosphromenus ornaticauda, hail from these biotopes. What secrets about their husbandry and breeding could we unlock by replicating their unique habitats in our aquaria?

And many other amazing fishes, such as Barbs, can be found throughout Southeast Asia in other cool blackwater habitats that are just begging for replication!

In general, Southeast Asia contains some of the most alluring and interesting fishes we could ever hope to keep, hailing from biotopes that are as compelling as anything South America can offer.

Conservation issues aside, these environments are very interesting, and would be fun and educational to replicate in the aquarium. I don't know about you, but the swamps in general keep calling to me...(the peat swamps are a totally different story to play with in a dedicated blog!)

So, how would we go about doing this?

Well, obviously, the "tricks of the trade" to replicate a swamp-type environment include utilizing botanical materials to recreate the unique substrate foreign in these swamps- decomposing leaves and such.  I would consider using some of the materials which we classify generically as "substrate additives" to work with other more conventional materials, to create a more realistic functionally-aesthetic substrate.

For example, one could mix some Mixed Leaf Media with a clay-based planted aquarium substrate, along with some small leaves (Texas Live Oak, Guava, or Mangrove), and perhaps our "Fundo Tropical" coconut-based substrate material- to create an interesting, if not somewhat faithful facsimile of the natural substrates found in these swamps.

I don't presume to be an expert on planted aquariums, but I do know that some species, such as Cryptocoryne, are found extensively in these environments, and would be the natural and easy choice for plants in such an aquarium. And the current darling of the plant world, Bucephalandra! 

Lighting could be subdued, to enhance the swamp-like atmosphere, so you could use LED or T5 with ease. Interesting effects could be created with spot lighting. Filtration would be best accomplished with a canister or external power filter, as water movement is minimal in these swamps. Plus, with a mix of rather buoyant substrate materials, you'd probably want to limit the heavy flow to keep them from blowing all over your tank!

I'd plant fairly densely, and intersperse lots of botanicals, such as our palm-derived Nypa Palm Pods, and "Coco Palm Bracts", which add that special "something"- and tint- to your tank! In general, palm-derived botanicals would be useful 

Perhaps you'd even want to include some palm fronds, which create a stunning look.

The maintenance of a swamp-themed aquarium would be no different than any of the Amazonian biotopes that we discuss so frequently here. Common sense water quality management, and regular water changes would go a long way towards maintaining a healthy environment for your little swamp!

And of course, for the "generic" SE Asian-themed aquarium, the options are amazing. Fishes, as mentioned above, encompass a large number of species known to the hobby, some fairly common, and others quite rare. This is a great chance to acquire some firsthand knowledge- as well as some rare fishes- for your collection! And even the rare fishes can be sourced with some effort.

There is a tremendous interest in wild Betta species in the hobby, so with a little research and networking, it wouldn't be all that difficult to procure some cool specimens for your tank! Wild type Bettas are as interesting a group of fishes as you could hope to find anywhere!

The diverse Southeast Asian habitats offer us as aquarists a unique opportunity not only to stretch our creative "muscles"- they create a discussion point- an educational tool- with which we can share a small representation of some environments- like the peat swamps- that may not be with us all that much longer.

As hobbyists, it's both our joy and our responsibility to share these amazing environments with fellow hobbyists, nature lovers, and the general public. Does it have to be 100% biotopically accurate to convey this message? Some people will tell you that, but I don't think so.

About all I really wanted to accomplish in today's highly generalized (and perhaps a bit disorganized!) blog was to get you thinking about the amazing Southeast Asian environments and how we might incorporate aspects of our botanical work in recreating them on some level.

A well-thought-out SE Asian-themed aquarium could serve as a "discussion starter"-a valuable tool to teach about the need to conserve the endangered Southeast Asian ecosystems. A starting point for more detailed research. Sharing our work and knowledge of them could lead to a greater understanding, appreciation, and perhaps- a chance to help preserve some of the inhabitant of these environments for future generations to enjoy.

Stay curious. Stay optimistic. Stay creative. Stay enthusiastic. Stay engaged...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics


December 22, 2018

1 comment

Behind the Botanical: "It Came from the Canopy"- The Cariniana Pod

When I first started experimenting with tossing leaves, seed pods, and the like into aquarium over a decade ago, one of the main things I used as my criteria for evaluating the suitability of a botanical for aquarium use was what I call "functional aesthetics."

Really just a buzzword-like way of saying that I like stuff to look cool and be useful as well! And one of my fave all-time finds is the seed pod of the Cariniana legalis tree from the forests of Brazil. With its unique cylindrical shape and nice opening on one end, it's a near-perfect "botanical accent piece" for all sorts of aquatic and vivarium applications.

I mean, it checks all the boxes: It looks cool, it's durable, and has that cool "defensible opening" that fishes or frogs can hide in and use as a hangout or spawning cave.  And it''s easy to prep for aquarium use, too.

So, what's the story on this pod?

Well, back to the rain forests of Brazil. The origin of this botanical is the Cariniana legalis tree- one of Brazil's oldest trees, with some specimens over 3,000 years old! Can you imagine how many of these pods such a tree can produce over its lifetime? 

(Damn, I'm such an exploitative capitalist...Shame.)

(Our fave tree in all its jungle glory! Image by mauroguanandi, used under CC BY 2.0)

This woody tree from the family Lecythidaceae is an impressive tree which rises majestically above the rain forest canopy. Scientist describe this tree as "A large emergent tree, sparsely scattered in areas of lowland non-flooded rainforest, such as Atlantic forest, mesophyllous, riverine or hygrophyllous forest and semi-deciduous woodland."

Couldn't have put it better, myself. Really.

Now, the bad news about this species is that it is considered "vulnerable" by the The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, as its habitat is under threat.  We obtain our specimens from a producer who has plantation-grown trees, which are specifically maintained for this and other human purposes, without chopping them down or destroying surrounding lands. 

In some areas, the bark and leaves are used for medicinal purposes (supposedly it has anti-diarrheal properties) and for binding. We, of course, love the seed pods!

Now, what we call a "pod" is really what a botanist would call a "dehiscent pyxidia"- a really cool way of saying that it's a fruit capsule, from which the upper part falls off when the seeds are released! Yeah, why couldn't they just say it THAT way, right?


Funny side story: When I first started to obtain this pod, my supplier from South America would send many that were completely intact, with the upper part of the fruit capsule sealed...and more-or-less "welded" shut. So, essentially, everything which made the pod useful to us as fish geeks (the opening and hollow interior) was  not there...I still have a bag or two of hundreds of these things that I've not been able to use...Hmm, maybe I can harvest the seeds and try to grow my own, lol...

And then there was that name...The "Savu Pod."

Stupid. Urghhhh!😫

And I was stupid for calling it that, too.

I took the "advice" from a friend of a friend, who was into frogs,  who told me rather authoritatively when I started playing with these and told him about them, "That's what they're called." And of course, I stupidly used it, too. And the reality probably is, that's what some hobbyist somewhere called them, and the name stuck.

And yeah, I contributed to this nonsense...

It's a made up name, with no meaning whatsoever to science, or the locals in Brazil, where it's known as  "Jequitiba-branco", which refers to the fruit of the tree. In fact, if you must know... The Tupí name "Jequitibá" consists of the word jiqui(e) meaning "bow net" and the word "yba" which is "fruit tree" or "fruit."


No mention of the freaking name "Savu" anywhere. "Cause it's made up and completely irrelevant...sounds exotic, but has no relation to the botanical itself at all.  Stupid.............

Yeah, I'm killing this name forever, as far as we're concerned. Good f---ing riddance.😆

If you must know- like I must:

"Savu" (also known as "Sawu", "Sabu", "Sawoe", "Havu", "Hawu",  or "Hawoe") is the largest of a group of three islands, situated midway between Sumba and Timor in thousands and thousands of miles east of where this tree is ever found. Like, WTF does this have to do with this pod? SPOILER: NOTHING! 

Stomp it out of your language forever. 

Okay, that felt good. Angry- perhaps a bit over the top- but- like, really good!

Deep breath.

So, back to the botanical itself.

We will henceforth refer to it as the Cariniana pod, 'cause that's what it is. It's simple and descriptive enough, without being as lame as "Savu Pod."  It works for me...And besides, calling it "The Cariniana dehiscent pyxidiawould just be a bitch to spell, right?

To prepare the Cariniana Pod for use is pretty straightforward. 

Annoyingly, they'll float like mad when introduced to water, but their buoyancy tendencies can be conquered relatively easily. You'll simply need to boil them, like many other pods we work with.

Place them in an inert pot, fill with fresh water, and bring them to a boil. Keep poking at them during the process to make sure they get submerged as much as possible during boiling. Once the water reaches a boil, reduce heat and let them do their thing for at least 20-25 minutes. Allow them to cool, then place them in a container of fresh, room temperature water to make sure that they've been "sunk."

Like pretty much any woody botanical item out there, these pods will leach small amounts of tannins, lignin, and likely other compounds and organics for a while after you boil them.  Not enough to create dark brown water, but there is some leaching.

Traditionally, we've recommended to soak these for a day or two in a container of fresh water, to assure that they are fully saturated and have the chance to leach out the bulk of the initial bound up dirt, etc. after boiling. Quite honestly, I've usually skipped the extra "post boil soak" of late, without any issues, but it's your call.

And they are absolutely useful pods.

Fishes like Apistos will take to them easily, utilizing their cavity as a place to rear and protect their clutches of fry, much as they would exploit such a submerged seed pod in nature.

 And that always gets me to this weird thought. Now, we know that these are from trees found in rain forests of the Amazon region. We know that these forest floors flood seasonally, and are often inhabited by hundreds of species of fishes, which feed off of the allochthonous input from the surrounding terrestrial vegetation. It begs the question: Are Cariniana pods found on flooded forest floors, and utilized by fishes in ways like they are in the aquarium?

I can't say with 100% certainty, but it seems a possibility. So these could be one of the most "authentic" botanicals we offer- perhaps filling the exact role in our tanks as they do in their wild habitat. 

Regardless..these cool botanicals provide form, function, and aesthetics in one neat package...

And that's something that I think we can all get excited about!

Until next time...

Stay curious. Stay educated. Stay experimental. Stay excited...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 







December 21, 2018


Beyond the the sexy looks...A "deep dive" on "functional aesthetics"- Again.

I'm sort of continuing on a theme here today...part of my "Magnum Opus" on "land meets water" and how we can replicate and benefit from this in our aquarium work...As you know, the past week or so, I've been going on and on and on about the interesting biological niches which arise when terrestrial environments become inundated with water during the rainy season.

We have discussed many aspects of these unique habitats and how we as aquarists can replicate aspects of them to create unique and highly functional aquariums for the fishes that we keep. SPOILER ALERT: You can have a great looking, almost "artistic" aquascape and still embrace and mimic natural functions.

Yeah, we've talked a lot about them, and we've seen many of you go on to successfully recreate some of them. And they are as beautiful as they are functional. And the "functional" aspect is, in my opinion, as compelling- if not, even more so- than the mere sexy aesthetics of these habitats. Just thinking about the dynamics, fish adaptations, and components of these systems can really get your creative juices flowing!

(I give huge props to my friend, Tai Strietman, for really pioneering this with his heavy use of palm fronds in aquariums...)

And one of the most compelling aspects of these tropical habitats is how they "power" the food webs which our fishes benefit from. I think that this is something we as aquarists have overlooked for decades, and with more emphasis than ever being placed on the "look" of the aquarium, it's even more possible that the amazing function of the natural habitats we love is not getting enough attention from hobbyists when we think how we're gonna fill that empty glass box.

And of course, we need look no further for inspiration than Nature.

In the seasonally flooded forests and plains of Brazil, for example, plants grow and take up nutrients from the sediments during the dry "terrestrial phase", store them in their tissues and leaves, and release them into the water where they begin to decompose after these habitats flood.

After the inundation, fishes may directly feed on the organic materials from these terrestrial plants, such as fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, detritus, and bark. In fact, science has documented over 200 species (primarily larger characins and catfishes) in Amazonia alone which are specifically adapted to feed on fruits, nuts, submerged grasses, and other terrestrial plant materials!

(Well, you're not likely to keep the huge Pacu, Colossoma macropomum, but it's a classic example of a "fruit eater!" Pic by Rufus46, used under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Many other fishes which reside in these flooded forest areas feed mainly on insects; specifically, small ones, such as beetles, spiders, and ants from the forest canopy. These insects are likely dislodged from the overhanging trees by wind and rain, and the opportunistic fishes are always ready for a quick meal!


Interestingly, it's been postulated that the reason the Amazon has so many small fishes is that they evolved as a response to the opportunities to feed on insects served up by the flooded forests in which they reside! The little guys do a better job at eating small insects which fall into the water than the larger, clumsier guys who snap up nuts and fruits with their big 'ol mouths! 

Some species of fishes specialize in detritus.

As we know by now, decomposing leaves are the basis of the food chain, and the detritus they produce forms an extremely important part of the food chain for many, many species of fishes. Some have even adapted morphologically to feed on detritus produced in these habitats, by developing bristle-like teeth to remove it from branches,tree trunks, plant stems, and leaf litter beds. 

Of course, it's not just the fishes which derive benefits from the terrestrial materials which find their way into the water. Bacteria, fungi, and algae also act upon the nutrients released into the water by the decomposing organic material from these plants. Aquatic plants (known collectively to science as macrophytes) grow in or near water and are either emergent, submergent, or floating, and play a role in "filtering" these flooded habitats in nature.

Terrestrial trees also play a role in removing, utilizing, and returning nutrients to the aquatic habitat. They remove some nutrient from the submerged soils, and return some in the form of leaf drop. 

Interestingly, studies show that about 70% of the leaf drop from the surrounding trees in the igapo habitats occurs when the area is submerged, but the bulk of it is shedded at the end of the inundation period. The falling leaves gradually decompose and become part of the detritus in the food web, which is essential for many species of fishes. This "late-inundation leaf drop" also sets things up for the "next round" - providing a "starter" of nutrients !

Flood pulses in these habitats easily enable large-scale "transfers" of nutrients and food items between the terrestrial and aquatic environment. This is of huge importance to the ecosystem. As we've touched on before, aquatic food webs in the Amazon area (and in other tropical ecosystems) are very strongly influenced by the input of terrestrial materials, and this is really an important point for those of us interested in creating more natural aquatic displays and microcosms for the fishes we wish to keep.

This "classic" aquascape by our good friend, Cory Hopkins, utilizing a matrix of leaves, is one of my favorite aesthetic interpretations of this habitat...and it happens to be supremely functional as an aquarium, as well! I think it's a "prototype" for many of us to follow, merging looks and function together adeptly and beautifully.

Study this one...

Now, I think at least part of the reason why we're seeing success with utilizing botanicals in our aquariums is that fish are instinctively "programmed" to utilize many of these materials as both feeding substrates and as food items in and of themselves. (NEWS FLASH: "Pellets and flakes" are NOT part of their natural diet...)

The addition and replenishment of leaves and other botanical materials which we execute in our tanks definitely mimics, at least to some extent, the processes which occur in these habitats which transfer food and nutrients into the aquatic habitat.

And with the ability to provide live foods such as small insects (I'm thinking wingless fruit flies and ants)- and to potentially "cultivate" some worms (Bloodworms, for sure) "in situ"- there are lots of compelling possibilities for creating really comfortable, natural-appearing (and functioning) biotope/biotype aquariums for fishes.

Ever the philosopher/ muser of the art of aquaristics, I sometimes fear that the burgeoning interest in biotope aquariums at a contest level will result in the same sort of "diorama effect" we've seen in planted aquarium contests. In other words, just focusing on the "look" (which is cool, don't get me wrong) yet summarily overlooking the reason why the habitat looks the way it does and how fishes have adapted to it...and considering how we can utilize this for their husbandry, spawning, etc.

I'm sure it's unfounded, but the so-called "nature aquarium" movement seems to have, IMHO, completely overlooked the real function of nature, so there is some precedent, unfortunately. I hope that "biotopers", who have a lot of awareness about the habitats they are inspired by, will at least consider this "functional/aesthetic" dynamic that we obsess over when they conceive and execute their work. 

It should go beyond merely creating the "look" of these systems to win a contest, IMHO. Rather, we should also focus on the structural/functional aspects of these environments to create long-term benefits for the fishes we keep in them. That's a real "biotope aquarium" in my book.

Leaves, detritus, submerged terrestrial plants- all have their place in an aquarium designed to mimic these unique aquatic habitats.  You can and should be able to manage nutrients and the bioload input released into our closed systems by these materials, as we've discussed (and executed/demostrated) here for years.  The fear about "detritus" and such "crashing tanks" is largely overstated, IMHO- especially with competent aquarium husbandry and proper outfitting of a tank with good filtration and nutrient control/export systems in place.

If you're up to the challenge of attempting to replicate the look of some natural habitat- you should be a competent enough aquarist to be able to responsibly manage the system over the long term, as well.

Ouch, right?  Hey, that's reality. Sorry to be so frank. Enough of the "shallow mimicry" B.S. that has dominated the aquascaping/contest world for too long, IMHO. You want to influence/educate people and inspire them? Want to really advance the hobby and art/science of aquarium keeping? Then execute a tank which can be managed over the long haul. Crack the code. Figure out the technique. Look to Nature and "back engineer" it. These things can be done. 

There are many aspects of wild habitats that we choose to replicate, which we can turn into "functionally aesthetic" aquarium systems. Let's not forget the trees themselves- in their submerged and even fallen state! These are more than just "hardscape" to those of us who are into the functional aesthetic aspects of our aquariums.

The trees present in flooded forest habitats actually benefit fishes and aquatic life forms when they fall. Upon the return of the inundating waters, these fallen trees become an important part of the aquatic habitats, providing multiple benefits.  A fallen tree wedged into a stream bottom provides shelter from the currents. The tree trunk changes the flow pattern of the stream to create eddies which may bring in food and wash away fine silt, allowing formation of gravel beds and the accumulation of leaves and fallen botanical materials. 

Foraging areas are created, in which fishes may find insects, small crustaceans, and fruits and such which come from the terrestrial environment. They provide spawning locations for fishes, and shelter for fry to develop and avoid predators.

Although it's possibly impractical for many aquarists to obtain really large branches and such to simulate these submerged tree trunks, it would be a most interesting aquascape feature if you could source larger, thicker pieces to recreate this fascinating microhabitat in your aquarium! And entire community of fishes could be developed around (literally) one large branch win a modest-sized aquarium. Toss in a bunch of leaf litter and some botanicals- and- bam! Instant functional biotope!


Well, almost...You've got the look down. Bring on the function! Encourage some biofilms, algae, and other epiphytic material to colonize the branch/trunk, and then you're on your way to a functional representation of this unique habitat!

So much to talk about, study, and interpret here.

So many unique and compelling aspects of the flooded forests of South America and elsewhere that I know will unlock the secrets of many unique and beautiful fishes which we keep in our aquariums. By providing functional biotope aquariums, we're really setting the stage for what I really feel is the ultimate evolution of aquarium keeping:  Creating aquariums which replicate, as realistically as possible, the look and function of the habitats that we are fascinated by.

Making a "mental shift."

It's a fun and fascinating journey, that will not only yield greater understanding of our fishes, but of the precious and fascinating environments from which they come. And a greater appreciation for the functions and vulnerabilities of these wild ecosystems means that we'll be in a better position than ever as aquarists to call attention to the perils that they face. And when we inspire non-aquarists to understand and learn more about this stuff- the planet wins.

Take the time to go beyond the sexy look. Because you'll find that the function is every bit as fascinating and inspiring as those looks. 

Stay studious. Stay fascinated. Stay curious. Stay resourceful. Stay generous. Stay diligent. Stay obsessive!

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 


December 19, 2018


Appreciating the concept of "terroir..."

Every aquarium that we assemble is not only a unique expression of our interests and skills- it's a complex, ecologically functional microcosm, which is impacted by not only the way we assemble the life forms, but how we utilize them.

And of course, being the self-appointed "World's most prolific aquarium hobby philosopher,"  I have spent a fair amount of time ruminating on the idea, attempting to grasp the concept. I think it simply starts with the materials that we use.

It is perfectly logical to imply that botanicals, wood, and other materials which we ultiize in our aquascapes not only have an aesthetic impact, but a consequential physical-chemical impact on the overall aquatic environment, as well.

Not really difficult to grasp, when you think about it in the context of stuff we know and love in other areas of life.

Wine, for example, has "terroir"- the environmental conditions, especially soil and climate, in which grapes are grown and that give a wine its unique flavor and aroma... Coffee  acquires traits that are similar. Tangible effects and characteristics, which impact the experience we get from them.

And of course,  I can't help but wonder if this same idea applies to our botanicals?

It must!

I mean, leaves come from specific trees, imparting not only tannins and humic substances into the water, but likely falling in heavier concentrations, or accumulating in various parts of rain forest streams or inundated forest floors at particular times of the year, or in specific physical locales with in a stream or river. And of course, they provide the fishes which reside in that given area a specific set of physical/chemical conditions, which they have adapted to over time. 

Is this not the very definition of "terroir?"

Yeah, sort of...right? 

Actually, it makes perfect sense.

As we've discussed before, the soils, plants, and surrounding geography of an aquatic habitat play an important and intricate role in the composition of the aquatic environment. They influence not only the chemical characteristics of the water (like pH, TDS, alkalinity), but the color (yeah- tannins!), turbidity, and other characteristics, like the water flow. Large concentrations become physical structures in the course of a stream or river that affect the course of the water.

And of course, they also have important impact on the diet of fishes...Remember allochthonous input form the land surrounding aquatic habitats? And the impact of humic substances?

I can't help but wonder what sorts of specific environmental variations we can create in our aquarium habitats; that is to say, "variations" of the chemical composition of the water in our aquarium habitats- by employing various different types and combinations of botanicals and aquatic soils.

I mean, on the surface, this is not a revolutionary idea...We've been doing stuff like this in the hobby for a while- more crudely in the fish-breeding realm (adding peat to water, for example...), or with aragonite substrates in Africa Rift Lake cichlid tanks, or with mineral additions to shrimp habitats, etc.

In the planted aquarium world, it's long been known that soil types/additives, ie;  clay-based aquatic soils, for example, will obviously impact the water chemistry of the aquarium far differently than say, iron-based soils, and thusly, their effect on the plants, fishes, and, as a perhaps unintended) side consequence, the overall aquatic environment will differ significantly as a result.

So, it pretty much goes without saying that the idea that utilizing different types of botanical materials in the aquarium can likely yield different effects on the water chemistry, and thus impact the lives of the fishes and plants that reside there- is not that big of a "stretch", right? I can't help but wonder what the possible impacts of different leaves, or possibly even seed pods from different areas can have on the water and overall aquarium environment.

I mean, sure, pH and such are affected in certain circumstances - but what about the compounds and substances we don't- or simply can't- test for in the aquarium? What impacts do they have? Subtle things, like combinations of various amino acids, antioxidant compounds, obscure trace elements- even hormones, for that matter...Could utilizing different combinations of botanicals in aquariums potentially yield different results? You know- scenarios like,  "Add this if you want fishes to color up. Add a combination of THIS if you want the fishes to commence spawning behavior", etc.

It sounds a bit exotic, but is it really all that far-fetched an idea?

Absolutely not, IMHO.

I think the main thing which keeps the idea from really developing more in the hobby- knowing exactly how much of what to add to our tanks, specifically to achieve "x" effect- is that we simply don't have the means to test for many of the compounds which may affect the aquarium habitat.

At this point, it's really as much of an "art" as it is a "science", and more superficial observation- at least in our aquariums- is probably almost ("almost...") as useful as laboratory testing is in the wild. Even simply observing the effects upon our fishes caused by environmental changes, etc. is useful to some extent.

At least at the present time, we're largely limited to making these sort of "superficial" observations about stuff like the color a specific botanical can impart into the water, etc.

Of course, not everything we can gain from this is superficial...some impacts actually do have scientifically confirmed impacts on the aquarium environment.

In the case of catappa leaves, for example, we can at least infer that there are some substances (flavonoids, like kaempferol and quercetin, a number of tannins, like punicalin and punicalagin, as well as a suite of saponins and phytosterols) imparted into the water from the leaves- which do have scientifically documented affects on fish health and vitality. 

When we first started Tannin, I came up with the term "habitat enrichment" to describe the way various botanicals can impact the aquarium environment. I mused on the idea a lot. (I know that doesn't surprise many of you, lol...) Now, I freely admit that this term may be interpreted as much a form of "marketing hyperbole" as it is a useful description. However, I believe that the idea sort of resonates, when we think of the aquarium as an analog for the wild aquatic habitats, and how the surrounding environment- the terroir- impacts the aquatic environment, right?

And we hear the interesting stories from fellow hobbyists about dramatic color changes, positive behavioral changes,  rehabilitated fishes, and those "spontaneous" spawning events, which seem to occur after a few weeks of utilizing various botanicals in aquariums which formerly did not employ them. Sure, a good number of these interesting events and effects could likely be written off as mere coincidences- but when it happens over and over and over again in this context, I think it at least warrants some consideration! 

We're slowly figuring this stuff out.

Yeah, we’re artists.

And this stuff is really as much of an “art” as it is a “science”, IMHO. There is so much we don’t know yet. Or, more specifically, so much we don’t know in the context of keeping fishes. We need to tie a few loose ends together to get a really good read on this stuff…until we get to the "Dial-a-River” additive stage ("Just add a little of this and a bit of that, and...".)

But we're getting there...At least in terms of understanding some of the tangible benefits of botanical use, besides just the aesthetics.

And it all starts with understanding the impact of...the terroir, right? I think so.

Stay resourceful. Stay observant. Stay curious. Stay resourceful. Stay open-minded...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 




December 18, 2018


"Just like in nature..."

If you keep one of these crazy blackwater, botanical-style aquairums, you develop a remarkable "tolerance" for "stuff" that mainstream hobby people would probably freak out about, huh?

For example, the other day, I was amusingly distracted watching my office aquarium, observing a little piece of leaf floating about in the current. I don't really know why, but it somehow made me ponder how differently I have approached virtually everything in my botanical-style aquariums than I do in any other ones I've kept over the decades.

The things you get used to in a botanical-style aquarium are, of course, decomposing leaves, softening botanicals, and the occasional strand of biofilm. And with these things, occasionally, a piece will break off and float around in the current...I remember in years past, in my reef tanks, or "clearwater" FW tanks, I'd be incredibly aggravated by little bits of "stuff" floating in the water column, and would pretty much drop whatever I was doing and reach for the net to remove the offensive material, whatever it was.


However, when I started playing with the blackwater, botanical-themed tanks, I realized that seeing the occasional bit of debris (typically leaves or interior tissues of botanicals) didn't aggravate me in the least. In fact, I found that I kind of like it. I've watched enough of Ivan Mikolji's videos and seen enough of Mike Tuccinardi's pics of natural blackwater habitats to accept the fact that the dynamic in nature is that, well- occasionally, there is "stuff" floating in the water.

Remember, a lot of the habitats that we simulate are flooded forest floors, inundated by heavy rains or overflowing streams and rivers. As such, they "import" materials from the formerly terrestrial environment into the newly-aquatic habitat.

And you just have to accept this will happen in an aquarium that utilizes these natural materials, just as in nature. And there is a certain "look" that any aquarium which embraces and represents this type of environment has. There is a mental shift that we have to make when creating a botanical-style aquarium that allows us to embrace the way materials are distributed randomly throughout our aquascapes by "forces" beyond our control.

You can be as "artistic" and meticulous as you want with botanicals, placing them in specific orientations and arrangements; however, as they break down, and as current and the activities of your fishes move them out of their original positions (just like in nature...again), you'll either have to reposition them where you want them again, or enjoy the ever-changing "naturescape" look. In a 'scape with "permanent" hardscape materials, like driftwood and/or rocks, you'll always have the consistency of these natural "anchors" to serve as the "guide."

So,if you're a hardcore 'scape, I think you'll want to emphasize a very solid and well-thought-out hardscape to serve as the underlying "superstructure" in your tank. The more "ephemeral" botanicals are part of the "accessorizing, if you will. And relocating botanicals to maintain "design integrity" is, in my opinion, analogous to trimming plants in a high-concept planted aquarium. It's just part of the practice required. Or not. It's really about YOUR concept. YOUR tolerances.

Your call.

So yeah, there IS a certain "randomness" and "complex casualness" that a botanical-style aquarium possesses. But don't confuse that, as some critics have over the years, with "sloppiness" or "lack of thought" in design or execution. It's part of the game.

Now, it doesn't mean that it's cool to have uneaten food, or huge pieces of leaves, dead fishes and such floating about in your tank or blocking filter intakes, etc. However, it does mean that little bits of stuff floating in the current, or breaking down on the substrate sort of "goes with the territory" of what we do, and that this is nature.

This is what happens in the wild, and there is no particular reason why it isn't "acceptable" to see it in our aquariums from time to time. The wild aquatic habitats of the world simply aren't filled with perfectly manicured and positioned plants, rocks, and wood. Nature really couldn't give a shit about our ability to achieve or maintain a certain "look."

She does what she has done for eons.

IMHO, we need to really think hard about the use of the descriptor "Nature Aquarium" versus the term "Natural Aquarium" in this context. There is a distinct difference between the two. Neither is better than the other...They're simply different, and if we are going to use labels, I believe that we should endeavor to understand them.

Yet again, it's one of those "mental shifts"  that we have to make- understanding and appreciating the fact that the "aesthetic" of a blackwater/botanical aquarium is far different from the interpretation that has been presented to us in the popular aquatic media for so long. 

It's not an excuse for sloppy husbandry, or neglecting the removal of offensive materials. However, it IS a sort of acceptance of the fact that "stuff happens" in nature- and in aquariums- and that many of these things are simply not worth getting upset about.

I mean, if you have an aquarium with brown water, and substrate dominated by decomposing leaves and softening botanicals, it shouldn't come as any surprise that an occasional piece might break off and float around before settling somewhere else in the aquarium. This happens, and it's okay.

Just like in nature.

I find it strongly relaxing; oddly amusing, actually. Perhaps..maybe, these transient, ephemeral moments are the exact embodiment of the idea of "wabi-sabi" that Takashi Amano wrote about so often?

Just another nuance; another little transient thing- another mental shift we have to make when keeping one of these amazing aquariums.

I write about this stuff more often nowadays, because as Tannin has gained a higher visibility and (I hope) influence in the overall aquarium hobby, we are seeing an influx of hobbyists from different "specialties" and who have had different orientations and such- especially "hardcore" aquascapers.

And because from time-to-time, our community receives some unfair criticisms about some aspects of the aesthetic we embrace (as I touched on above) from some sectors- which gives us the opportunity to "clear the air" on a few things. Explaining the "whys" to would-be critics is as important as anything else we do.

We don't need to "strike back" at those who levy unfair and unfounded criticisms upon the work we do. We need to understand where they are coming from, and let them know that they can bring a lot to the table, too.

With these new people come new ideas that we can incorporate into our own specialty. It also means that you CAN have a "high-concept" aquarium (not my term), with an intricate and well-thought-out hardscape, yet still have lots of botanicals contributing to the overall aesthetics of the aquarium in a variety of ways.

It's an evolving art and science.

It's something that we all have the chance to contribute to. Something that we all have an opportunity to benefit from. We can embrace the fact that our aquariums are dynamic, ever-changing microcosms, which can incorporate our aesthetic preferences while allowing nature to do her own thing.

There may be the occasional piece of "stuff" floating in the current...just like in nature.

Stay inspired. Stay observant. Stay studious. Stay relaxed. Stay engaged. Stay obsessed...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics

December 17, 2018


"You Can't Keep Plants in Blackwater", Right? Maybe? Um...

One of the most common questions and points of discussion we receive and engage in here at Tannin is, "Can you keep aquatic plants in blackwater?"

And of course, the answer is 100%, unequivocally "YES!"

I'll be the first to admit that I am not an expert on aquatic plants by any means, and any discussion on plants which I present is by nature rather superficial and limited. However, I did do a lot of research, read a number of scientific papers, and had some good discussions with those "in the know" about which aquatic plants are commonly associated with these habitats over the years.

The interesting common denominator about this topic- like so many others when it comes to blackwater, is that there is simply a lack of good information and an abundance of speculation, assumption, and downright misinformation floating about out there in cyberland...


I think the misconception that plants can't grow in blackwater partially originates from the common "inflection point" of "Blackwater aquariums are unstable/hard to manage/dark and foreboding", and merges with the well-trodden and partially factual "narrative" that says that, since many parts of say, the Rio Negro essentially have no plants, that plants can't live in any blackwater habitats.

I was able to glean some information that might be of use to you in this regard, and with all of the interest, it seems like an appropriate time to be discussing this stuff!

First, let's just clarify the "plants in Amazonia" thingy real fast.

There are two primary areas of interest in our particular botanical-centric habitat focus, besides just the better-known blackwater rivers, such as the Rio Negro, where plants are found.

The Varzea are seasonally-flooded forest areas, which are inundated by pH-neutral "whitewater" (ie; not significantly stained by tannins), and can reach significant depths, whereas the Igapo are generally shallow, blackwater environments with relatively low nutrient content and acidic soils. Varzea forests are extremely rich, which leads to a very rich aquatic ecosystem when inundated, and tend to have greater density of aquatic plants. Várzea forest soils have high nutrient contents because they receive high loads of sediment (from the Andean and pre-Andean regions) from the whitewater rivers nearby.

Igapó forests, by contrast, do not receive this seasonal influx of sediments , which is why they have relatively inorganic nutrient- poor soils. Igapo waters are acidic, with a pH ranging between 4 and 5, and are rich in organic materials- particularly humic and fulvic acids. It is also thought by scientists that the seasonal inundation of the Igapo soils creates anoxic conditions, limiting plant growth in general.

So, you CAN keep aquatic plants in blackwater aquaria intended to replicate, to some extent, either of these botanically-influenced habitats. Obviously, the Varzea-type flooded forests are more conducive to aquatic plant growth.

And here is the part which probably feeds into the "you can't grow plants in blackwater" myth: 

The other important factor affecting plant growth in these aquatic habitats is light; or specifically, light penetration. This affects diversity of both the terrestrial grasses and aquatic plants present in the waters. In the blackwater Igapo areas, light only penetrates down to depths of  1-2 meters, and many submerged grasses and terrestrial forest plants simply die back from lack of light. And the forest canopy adds to the shading in some areas, further reducing the amounts of light available to plants. Varzea tend to be more "open", and a greater abundance of light, and therefore, light penetration, occurs.

Of course, you can grow Amazonian plants in blackwater aquariums, such as the broad-leaved dwarf Amazon sword plant (Echinodorus quadricostatus), which prefers the dim conditions of blackwater rivers. And 

Now, there is one area which comes to mind immediately when we talk of blackwater habitats with aquatic plants: Southeast Asia- particularly, Borneo.

And when we think of Borneo, what comes to mind more than the darling of the plant world, Bucephalandra? And of course, my personal fave family of plants, Cryptocoryne. If ever there were "poster children" for blackwater-native/tolerant aquatic plants, either of these two genera would be the ones.

Interesting to me is the use by many hobbyists of low pH substrates and leaf litter in their culture ( a lot of the blackwater Crypt. "players" use Catappa, etc. in a ground up form, almost like a "mulch" of sorts...A cool use for our "Mixed Leaf Media" and "MLM2", I'd say! ). Interestingly enough, many of the so-called "blackwater Crypts" also tend to "melt" if they are in soils that are too nutrient rich...A lot to take in here, but a lot which plays right into our fascination with botanical-style blackwater aquairums!


And what about Africa? It's more than just Anubias...

I think that a considerable amount of time needs to be spent by members of our community simply reaching out to our friends who are into aquatic plants...the knowledge and commonalities are remarkable. We simply need to discuss and understand the realities of keeping plants in blackwater versus the more "traditional" " clearwater" aquarium.

In general, there are a few issues we should consider when it comes to aquatic plants in blackwater aquariums..the primary one being that theme we've touched on before:

It's a known fact that light doesn't penetrate as effectively in the tinted water of blackwater environments. That's ONE of the reasons you don't see a lot of algae in many blackwater systems. And floating plants, of course, tend to do well-because you don't really have the "light penetration factor" influencing them as much as say, rooted plants. Light penetration is a limiting factor, other things being "more-or-less" equal, right? 

Well, can compensate with brighter light...the beauty of LEDs, right? And of course, just having light in our tanks isn't enough.

The other big issue to tackle when keeping aquatic plants in blackwater aquariums is to some extent, the well-trodden opinion that blackwater may be described as more "nutrient poor", and having much lower ionic concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium than clearwater environments.

So how do you overcome this?

You fertilize your tank- just like you do in a "clearwater" system. You'll probably have to adjust your doses to compensate for the near lack of the above-referenced major ions, but it's pretty much that simple, in my experience. You'll use more fertilizers. And if you're growing plants that rely on rich substrates, like Cryptocoryne, I've found that you really don't have to do all that much differently than you do in a "clearwater" tank.

One thing you won't hear me talking about is the use of CO2. Not because I don't recommend it or believe in it- it's simply because I don't personally have a lot of experience with using it...That being said, I have many friends who use CO2 in blackwater tanks with a tremendous degree of success...


I think the job I'll continue to take on here at Tannin will be to encourage aquatic plant enthusiasts, and those who want to keep aquatic plants in blackwater aquariums- to go for it and do great work. 

The simple reality is that you absolutely can keep a lot of aquatic plants in blackwater tanks, with tremendous success. It's simply a matter of compensating for the environmental parameters which need to be augmented (ie; lighting, fertilization...), and doing what you already know how to do. If you're into environmental/biotopic authenticity, you'd want to look at what plants are found where, of course- but the bottom line is that the variety of plants that you can keep in generic blackwater aquariums is significant!

I think the job I'll continue to take on here at Tannin will be to encourage aquatic plant enthusiasts, and those who want to keep aquatic plants in blackwater aquariums- to go for it and do great work. 

The simple reality is that you absolutely can keep a lot of aquatic plants in blackwater tanks, with tremendous success. It's simply a matter of compensating for the environmental parameters which need to be augmented (ie; lighting, fertilization...), and doing what you already know how to do. If you're into environmental/biotopic authenticity, you'd want to look at what plants are found where, of course- but the bottom line is that the variety of plants that you can keep in generic blackwater aquariums is significant!

Ares to explore here include the continued "enrichment" of the substrate and overall aquatic environment with botanical materials, use of varying light intensities, and- once again, CO2.

 So...the answer is that you CAN. The challenge is that you SHOULD. The exciting part is that you WILL help dispel the "you can't keep plants in blackwater" myth once and for all...

Stay focused. Stay excited. Stay curious. Stay bold. Stay diligent...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 

December 16, 2018


What about rock?

How come you don't see rocks in those pics of the igapo inundated forests?

Oh, this is a good one...

The "whitewater" rivers rush quickly down from the mountains of Peru and Bolivia, too rapidly for clay and silt to be stripped from them. The rocks from these mountainous areas offer minerals and nutrients such as nitrogen, attached to the silt and clay, and minerals like illite, montmorillomite (hey, we know that one from shrimp geeks!), and chlorite, to nourish the lower-lying areas. In these areas, numerous microbes and plants consume some of the nitrogen, and while eaten by other organisms, convey what's left to the even lower-lying forest habitats.

The Amazonian blackwater rivers are largely depleted in nutrients, having passed through the lowland forest soils as groundwater, from which weathering has already occurred. "Hydro-geomorphic processes" ( i.e.; a fancy way of referring to part of the stuff that makes rocks!) are far less intense than they are in the upland, mountainous regions, with their abundance of minerals, nutrients, slits, and sediments.

In other words, most low-lying Amazonian forest soils are really low in nutrients. The soils are nutrient-poor, acidic "podzols..." It's been suggested that most of the available nutrients are taken up by the root mats of the dense plant growth in these forested areas. And even the rainwater provides little in the way of nutrient for the plants which grow there.

Blackwaters in areas like Amazonia (one of our fave locales, of course!) drain from an area known to geologists as the "Precambrian Guiana Shield", which is comprised of sediments include quartz, sandstone, shales, and conglomerates, stemming from near the formation of the earth some 4.6 billion years ago. As a result of lots of geological activity over the eons, and that soil type, consisting of whitish sand we podzol is formed.

However, what little nutrient there is typically returns to the soils by means of leaf drop from the trees which grow there. And of course, when the water returns to the forest floors, what little nutrient remains is released into the waters, too. And it's quickly utilized by the resident microorganisms. Serious nutrient cycling, right?

I'm no expert-or even a novice- on geology or geochemistry, or anything in that subject area, for that matter....I kind of dozed through geology classes in college...much to my regret now. However, based on my research into this stuff, it goes without saying that these are hardly conditions under which rocks as we know them could form.

Sure, you might find the random rock in the igapo that was washed down from the Andes or some other high-country locale in these forests, but it did not evolve there. This also helps to explain why the blackwater habitats are generally low in inorganic nutrients and minerals, right? 

So...if you're really, really hardcore into replicating an igapo, you'd probably want to exclude rocks...

Yet, there are plenty of Amazonian and other habitats with tinted water and rocks.

And in the aquarium, we have many options to faithfully recreate, or simply gain inspiration from -these habitats. It's okay to use rock. Really. 

I mean, it provides a unique and satisfying aesthetic experience for our aquariums, while providing a nice contrast with wood and botanicals. 

Sure, the fact is, some rock will impact the chemistry of your water, and if you're really hardcore about it, you'll have to do some experimentation. I have played with the rocks we offer in my tanks, and I can say that they will typically impact pH and GH a bit; however, to what extent is subject to many variables, ranging from the type of water you start with to the substrate you use, etc. Making generalizations is tricky and "outside of my pay grade" as they say...SO...


The fact is, so many of you have asked us to offer new rock types that we simply couldn't not do it. We have a growing customer base fro ma variety of aquatic and aquascaping "disciplines", and helping to foster creativity is what we're all about..and giving you the options to make choices that worse for you!

However, it's important to understand that we should not specifically limit ourselves to any one rigid way of thinking...We simply have to understand that rocks- like botanicals or wood or anything else we add to our aquariums, impact the environmental characteristics of our closed systems.

If you're faithfully trying to recreate a highly acid, soft water habitat devoid of rocks -than you'd likely want to avoid using rocks of any kind to a great extent. Right? 


And substrates? Well..

In fact, you'd seek out a podzol-type material to use as the base...And I am not aware of a commercial product that is podzol -ased which is available in the hobby as an aquarium substrate (entrepreneurs- here's one for you!)...


Research with planted substrates is totally the way to go at this time, IMHO...

In the mean time,  I'll keep using the available aquarium substrates which don't impact pH and alkalinity as the literal "base" for most of my blackwater aquariums. The reality is that just having an awareness of what goes on in the natural aquatic habitats we love gives us a nice "leg up" on this stuff. You're obviously not going to use a strongly buffering substrate like aragonite or whatever to do the job in your low pH and alkalinity blackwater aquarium, right?


So, researching and experimenting is the best I can tell you right now. 

Oddly unsatisfying for the "I want an answer for everything-now" crowd- but that's where we're at in the hobby at the moment. 

Geologists and geochemists wanted! 

Until next time...

Rock if you want to. Avoid if you feel it's appropriate.

Stay bold. Stay curious. Stay experimental. Stay studious...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 

December 15, 2018


Behind the Botanical: The "Jungle Pod"

If I had to pick one of the top two or three fave botanicals we offer, the "Jungle Pod" would be right up there. Useful, attractive, and durable- it's got all the elements for botanical-style aquarium "superstardom!"

Let's take a closer look at it.

First off, the term "Jungle Pod" is a charming, yet utterly meaningless holdover from "Tannin 1.0", where we conjured up cute names for obscure seed pods and such to make them more interesting for our customers. Prior to 2015, when we debuted, I'm virtually certain that you won't find a reference for this botanical under that name...

It's actually the fruit, or "follicle" (as botanists call it) of the jungle tree Sterculia foetida. Calling it a "pod" is a little stretch, actually- but not much! (Unless you're a botanist, in which case your colleagues would just hate on you...) Also known locally in Southeast Asia as the "Java Olive."  In the Indian region of its distribution (Tamil Nadu), it's referred to as "Jangli Badam" or "Pinari" in Hindi.

Okay, I'm sticking with our fictitious name...for now. However, I reserve the right to change it to a more appropriate name at any time! 🤓 Be forewarned, lol.

Interestingly, it's found in the crevices of rocks, by stream banks, etc., in full sun. And of course, this makes it a total candidate for inclusion in an Indian or Southeast Asian biotope-style aquarium! 

Now, the genus name, Sterculia, means "bad smelling", and the origin is from the Roman god, Sterquilinus, the "god of manure or feces"...Seriously, we don't make this stuff up! (and no, we'll never go so lowbrow as to call this botanical the "Shit Pod", but it did come up in some internal company discussions, I admit....😜

Got to hand it to the Romans! 

Now, in fairness to our botanical, Sterculia, it's the flower which supposedly smells like...well- you know where I'm going!

Such an indignation for a beautiful and useful botanical, wouldn't you say? Let's give it some more love!

Our beloved Sterculia foetida belongs to the family Malvaceae, which includes such diverse and well-known members as Okra, cotton, Cocao, and Durian. The genus Sterculia has over 250 members! Typically found in areas like India, Indonesia, and the Philippines, this species and others of its family have been transplanted to as far- ranging an area as Hawaii.

The fruits grow in star-like clusters on the tree, and the woody color is a beautiful contrast to the dark green leaves. Botanists would describe these unique fruits as follows: "An aggregate of follicle of 1-5, scarlet, boat shaped, 5-lobed, woody, glabrous; seeds black, numerous, ellipsoid, smooth, with a small yellow aril."

We just call 'em cool!

(My, that's a fine cluster of...follicles! Image by J.M. Gargan, used under CC BY-SA 4.0)

The oil of this fruit is comparable in composition to sunflower and soybean oils for use as...a biofuel! The seeds are thought to be edible after roasting, although I've not encountered any "recipes" for them! Supposedly, they taste like peanuts- I'll take the botanists' word for it. Interestingly, when they are bearing seeds, the exterior is a beautiful bright red color in many varieties!


The unique-looking botanical is a near perfect shelter for many fishes and inverts in the aquarium. Its durable shell lasts a very long time submerged.

It is interesting to note that research has been done on potential pharmaceutical benefits of the leaves, roots, and seeds of the tree, and there have been some potentially useful medicinal benefits. It is unlikely and downright irresponsible for us to make any type of assumption that these may "translate" over to aquatic use, vis a vis fish health.

Oh, and I did find another scientific paper which postulated that Sterculia foetida fruit shell extract offers an excellent potential as coloration, antibacterial, and ultraviolet protective agent for silk fabric.

Like, cool!

What we can confidently say is that these botanicals, like pretty much every seed pod or leaf we place in the aquarium, will leach some amount of tannins, lignin, and other organics into the water over time. You certainly wouldn't use "Jungle Pods" for the sole purpose of providing "tint" to your water, but you would be perfect using them for aesthetics and utility as a shelter.

At the end of the day, the "Jungle Pod" is truly one of the most useful, attractive, and versatile botanicals you can add to your aquarium. Not a day goes by that we don't find ourselves thinking of some new application for them in an aquarium, terrarium, or vivarium. As more and more hobbyists find their way into our little botanical world, I am pretty sure that we'll hear of more and more ideas on how to utilize them! 

Stay creative. Stay inspired. Stay curious. Stay excited...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 


December 12, 2018


Fast water. Solid botanicals. Interesting concepts.

When we think of interesting ideas for aquascapes, we often have a particular fish or group of fishes in mind. It's the "traditional" way aquarists have developed aquarium schemes for a century or more.

Sometimes, we are interested in fishes from niches that require a little more research and foresight into their needs; we need to contemplate what materials to use that would more authentically "accessorize" their world!

Lately, I've been sort of interested in the ecology of streams with more water movement than the typical inundated forest floors that we tend to model our aquariums after. They are very interesting from a variety of standpoints- in particular, the "structure" that they encompass.

Current in wild streams effects the underwater "topography," with stream structures, like submerged logs, sandbars, rocks, etc. These structures, larger and heavier than say, leaves- still move around a lot as the result of the current, regularly changing the "aquascape"...Much in the way we might move a few things around now and again during maintenance! 

RIffles (defined as shallow sections of a stream with rapid current and a surface broken by gravel, rubble or boulders), with a moderately-fast-flowing current and mostly sandy bottom with tree roots, driftwood pieces, and small rocks and pebbles, are fascinating habitats. Ohh...And they're home to Darter Characins! I'm thinking cool niche biotope aquarium here! 


And interestingly, you'll find an unexpected abundance of some other species familiar to us as hobbyists in these "riffles."  Species like Pyrrhulina brevis, Hyphessobrycon melazonatus, the Hemiancistrus sp."L128" and Hemigrammus of various forms. And even some Nanostomus, and the killie Rivulus compressus!
I find these populations compelling, because we tend to associate a lot of these little fishes with sluggish water and more static environments, not areas exposed to greater current and movement.


And the overall idea of keeping an aquarium replicating such a habitat with a fair amount of current is not at all outside of the "concept" of a botanical-style approach. It's all about the concentration, diversity, and size of the materials used. 

Which of our botanicals would you use in an aquarium configured to replicate such a habitat? I'd be inclined to use (in addition to stones of various types), "heftier" botanicals, like Cariniana Pods, "Jungle Pods", Kielmeyera Pods, Mokha Pods, Perhaps a "Monkey Pot" or two, and some "Sky Fruit" Pods. Oh, and Indian Catappa Bark pieces can really tint the water nicely, in addition to providing the streamed floor aesthetic!


With regards to wood, I think in the type of habitat the fish comes from, you'd want something that simulates either a tangle of roots pushed downstream by the current (like Spider Wood or Senggani Root), or maybe something smooth and "log like" in configuration.


Chemically, it's rather interesting to note that streams with more significant current are known to have levels of dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen present in quantities sufficient to support moderate to high biomass of fishes-even under  what we might define as 'pristine" conditions. They will, of course, have higher levels of dissolved oxygen than streams or bodies of water with less current. These are sort of "biological "givens" when considering this type of habitat.


And where there are fishes- there are food sources...

In a study I found of the feeding habits of fishes from fast-moving streams in Brazil, it was noted that the diets of most of the resident species were (aquatic) insectivorous (35.7%), followed by detritivores (21.4%), benthivores (14.2%), omnivores (14.2%), herbivores (7.1%), and piscivores (7.1%). This is interesting, because almost all of the nutrition derived by the resident fishes is from the streams themselves, as opposed to from allochthonous sources (Foods from the surrounding habitats, like fruits, flying insects and ants, etc.- Remember those?)

This is intriguing, and not what I would expect. I'd tend to think that, with greater current, you'd see less "in situ" generation of food. Yet, these streams seem to be full of surprises, don't they?

So much to consider...More than we could even hope to cover in a teaser blog like this...My initial research yielded so many angles to explore! Hopefully, maybe- discussion of this habitat will inspire a few of you to do some further research and perhaps develop your own aquarium based on one of these "fast water" habitats?

Stay inspired. Stay curious. Stay diligent. Stay excited...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 



December 11, 2018


Nature's designs revisited...and lessons learned.

When it comes to botanical-style aquariums, the most valuable "asset" you can have is most definitely patience. The patience to understand that developing one of these systems is a process, and realizing that, like any aquarium, there are sort of "stages" or "iterations" that, if you take time to enjoy along the way, create a very satisfying and even engrossing aspect!

It's so important to look at things a bit differently than you would if you were a bit more pragmatic about the process...Just hell-bent on "getting it done" as quickly as possible...


One of my favorite stages of setting up an aquarium is when the "stage is set" for the tank to mature. You know: The essential "anchor" hardscape is done. The wood and botanicals that will be the largest pieces are set. The tank is emerging from that that "sterile-looking", stark appearance (You know, that look which leaves no doubt about this being "artificial"). 

It would be tempting, at this point- to just rush through and get more stuff I there; get the fishes in; plants, etc...

Nope, not me. Like most of you- I have vision.

And I have patience to let it unfold gradually, steadily.

I think you do, too. Isn't this a cool time in the life of your tank? It's about contemplation, reflection, patience.

It's setting the stage for the long term.

It's about looking at your hardscape, for example, and asking yourself if this aggregation is representative of the way a tangle of branches might slowly assemble itself, given a unidirectional flow of an inundation caused by an overflowing stream? 


Thinking about the beauty that nature creates with her utter "randomness"; or more precisely- through the action of water, wind, current...and the passage of time.

The pic below by David Sobry gives me some interesting ideas...and context to this idea.

I've found that some of the most compelling aquascapes that I've ever seen or done- botanical-style, hardscape, planted, reef, etc.- seem to have a special "something" about them. Of course, a large part of it is the overall "look"; however, one of the things which, in my opinion, seperates good tanks from great ones is the little details...stuff that completes the underwater scene.

Not necessarily "structural" details, like anchor hardscape pieces, mind you. No, we're talking about little, subtle details which make a system more natural-looking and "shade in the corners" where needed.

I think that's where our obsession with little twigs, which motivated us to create the "Twenty Twigs" product ( a big hit!) comes from.


Those little things which make a big difference over time.

In our botanical-style world, it's little things, like bits and pieces of broken up botanical materials, like bark, the occasional larger seed pod or what not, which make your scene look much more complete and "organic."

If you take your cues from natural underwater habitats, like I do, you'll notice that they are filled with all sorts of materials- not just the more obvious leaves and branches. If you think contextually, particularly when we're talking about habitats like igapo inundated forests and igarapes ("canoeways" in the Amazonian forests), take into account that they literally are flooded forest floors.

As such, they have seemingly random aggregations of botanical materials scattered about everywhere, punctuated- or, rather defined- by larger features like fallen logs, branches, a few random rocks.

The look of sort of awkwardly-placed hardscape pieces in an aquarium might certainly not be seen as being "artistic", in the way fabulous work by my friends like Johnny Ciotti are- but, in my opinion, it's nonetheless compelling- once the details arrive to soften and fill in the scene.

Oh, I said the "D" word again.


I believe that an aquarium that attempts to replicate a sort of chaotic scene like the ones we're talking about starts with what looks like really artificial placement of wood, anchored by numerous details which soften, define, and fill in the scape. A sort of analog to the theater/motion picture concept  of "mise en scene", where pieces literally set the stage and help tell a story by providing context.

Yes, unlike a scape which depends upon growth of plants to fill it in and "evolve" it, the botanical-style blackwater/brackish aquarium is largely hardscape materials, which requires the adept placement of said materials to help fill in the scene. And of course, part of the "evolution" is the softening, redistribution, and break down of botanical materials over time...just like what happens in nature.

(One of Mike Tucc's underwater igarape pics to the rescue..again!)

I suppose this little rant could be viewed as a "defense" our "style", which on occasion has been criticized as "sloppy", "lazy", "undisciplined", etc...😆

Perhaps it is to some. However, I think it serves to re-examine what I feel is one of the foundational philosophies of the botanical-style aquarium aesthetic.

I must confess, it's an aesthetic which certainly doesn't appeal to everyone. In fact, many in the mainstream aquascaping world tended to levy all sorts of "constructive criticisms" and "Yeah, but..." comments about our practices and ideas for a while...Less these days, BTW!

And that is part of the attraction of this the of aquarium for me. Rather than conform thoroughly to some sort of "rules" based on design, layout, and technique, this type of aquarium tends to ask for very basic initial design, and lets Mother Nature handle a lot of the emerging details over time.

This is a slightly different approach to aquascaping than we usually think about. It requires some vision. It requires belief in one's ideas. It requires understanding...And it requires patience above all else.

And the passage of time.

Nature has been working with terrestrial materials in aquatic habitats for eons.

And nature works with just about everything you throw at her. She'll take that seemingly "unsexy" piece of wood or rock or bunch of dried leaves, and, given the passage of time, the action of gravity and water movement, and the work of bacteria, fungi, and algae- will mold, shape, evolve them into unique and compelling pieces, as amazing as anything we could ever hope to do...

If we give her the chance. 

If we allow ourselves to look at her work in context.

Always let nature add the details... She pretty much never messes them up!

Stay patient. Stay diligent. Stay excited. Stay creative. Stay open-minded...

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 

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