One of the most intriguing, yet not commonly-replicated regions of the world, aquatic habitat-wise, is West Africa. The areas of Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, in particular, offer a wealth of beautiful fish species and unique habitats that are just begging to be replicated in the aquarium!
This river forms a portion of the international border between Guinea and Sierra Leone, and is home to many species of fishes, ranging from Epiplatys species killifishes, to various cichlids from the Pelvicachromis genus, to Synodontis catfish and even some cool characins, like the African Darter Characin, Nannocharax fasciatus. tributaries nearby encompass a variety of ecological niches.
The water in the Kolenté River is of negligible carbonate hardness, with a pH of around 6.0. You'll find lots of Anubias, Bolblitis, and Vallisneria species in the typical fine gravel substrate. Leaves and botanical materials from overhanging forest trees are scattered about the substrate and among boulders and rocks.
Now, we'll be first to tell you that this collection is a creative representation of the materials found in and along the river and its tributaries. The botanicals contained in the pack are found in many other parts of the world, but we think it's a nice variety of items which will lend itself well to replicating this beautiful river.
Sold Out - $ 16.00
The leaves of the Guava tree (Psidium guajava) provide many benefits for aquaria, including their well-documented antibacterial properties and their great value as a supplemental food source for ornamental shrimp....
Sold Out - $ 14.00
The leaves of the Indian Almond Tree, (Terminalia catappa), provide numerous benefits for tropical fish. The leaves, when steeped in water, impart a beautiful golden-brown color, reduce the pH, and...
$ 5.00
Banana stems, (Musa spientum), have a cool, almost "bonelike" appearance and texture, and are quite strong. They make great little aesthetic accents and foraging areas for a variety of aquatic...
Sold Out - $ 4.00
We've long entertained the idea of utilizing palm fronds in aquatic displays, and after seeing our friend Tai Streitman's amazing aquarium, with palm fronds as an integral part of the...
Sold Out - $ 10.00
These little palm stems are some of the coolest botanicals we've seen in a while! They come from the flower of the Caryota mitis Palm, also known as the "Fishtail Palm." This palm...
Sold Out - $ 15.00
The Jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is widely known in some parts of the tropical world, and has been consumed as a food and used in traditional medicines for centuries. They...
Sold Out - $ 9.00
Looking for all the world like turtle shells, the split fruit capsule of the Jacaranda tree, Jacaranda cuspidifolia, is an awesome little botanical, which will be a perfect supplement to your leaf litter. They...
Sold Out - $ 7.00
"Helix Pods" have a cool curved form and a smooth, woody appearance and texture. The fruit of Caesalpinia pulcherrima, widely distributed throughout the tropics, these distinctive pods make great little foraging...
Sold Out - $ 8.00
An unusual botanical from Africa, these woody seed pods are actually the fruit of the Isoberlinia angolensis tree. They have a sort of cool curvy look to them. A member of...
Sold Out - $ 8.00
Derived from the Coconut Palm, Cocos nucifera, these amazing stems are one of the coolest "accent pieces" we've come across.They have a hard texture on the outside, but do retain...
Sold Out - $ 8.00
These are yet another botanical, derived from the useful Nypa Palm. The "inflorescence", or flower, that is part of the fruit cluster of the palm, these are essentially like leaves in...