"Tannin Aquatics is more than just a purveyor of aquascaping materials. We’re a mood, an atmosphere, a space to be inspired. Our products support an earthy, organic canvas upon which you can express yourself through the art of aquascaping. We provide information, the muse, and natural materials for you to create blackwater and brackish microcosms which blur the lines between nature and aquarium." -Scott Fellman, Owner

The Tint

Life continues...painfully at times. But it does.

January 14, 2025

    Rivers flow. Rains fall. Water surge, then recede. Life evolves, grows, and ends...and from endings, come new beginnings. New seasons, new sources of energy, new generations of life. Today, I was sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend, James Sheen of Blackwater UK. It was a devastating shock and to say it created a void is to make a ridiculous understatement, for sure. James was an instrumental part of the botanical aquarium method movement. He was a passionate, devoted hobbyist, inspirational entrepreneur, devoted father...and all-around  great human being. James was literally one of the first hobbyists who reached out to me when I started Tannin in 2015. He was so excited, so passionate, and so...

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December 08, 2023

I've embarked on some "remodels" of some of the aquariums in my home office, and it's been a most interesting experience- as it always is. I've taken a slightly different approach to these "makeovers" over time. Specifically, one of the things I've done in recent years is to keep the substrate layers from the existing tanks and "build on them."    In other words, I'm taking advantage of the well-established substrate layers, complete with their sediments, decomposing leaves and bits of botanicals, and simply building upon them with some additional substrate and leaves. I've done this many times over the years- it's hardly a "game-changing" practice, but it's something not everyone recommends or does. I believe that preserving and building...

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