The patient ones...

The patient ones have near-empty tanks for months as they ramp up the population.

The patient ones understand the nitrogen cycle.

The patient ones grow corals from frags, and plants from cuttings.

The patient ones don't get the adult fish; they buy the fry or juveniles and grow them out.

The patient ones keep annual killifishes!

The patient ones steep, boil, soak, and prepare their botanicals before using them in their aquariums.

The patient ones add botanicals to their aquariums slowly, over time. 

The patient ones build their aquascapes over time, and let them evolve.

The patient ones take the time to do things right.

The patient ones appreciate every step of he process of building a tank.

The patient ones follow the same husbandry procedures that always work.

The patient ones take the time to "get the shot."

The patient ones collect your aquariums fishes by hand, the way it's been done for generations.

The patient ones are wary of "shortcuts."

The patient ones trim their plants regularly.

The patient ones turn to nature for inspiration.

The patient ones keep fishes that might not be the sexiest!

The patient ones quarantine all of their new fishes.

The patient ones change their water.

The patient ones disassemble pumps and filters and clean them regularly.

The patient ones cultivate their own Daphnia, Brine Shrimp, and Fruit Flies.

The patient ones know that changes to their aquariums' environmental parameters need to be done slowly.

Are you a patient one?

Simple thought for blog topic coming tomorrow!

Stay thoughtful. Stay diligent. Stay patent.

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics



Scott Fellman
Scott Fellman


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